
Installation (Interconnectedness #1 - 10)

Client: IBM

Theme: sustainability, art and technology, blockchain

Inspired by the relationship between blockchain technology and sustainability, I created a 10-piece installation titled Interconnectedness that envisions and interprets how this unique technology can help to contribute to sustainable solutions and create positive changes socially, economically, and environmentally. Combining traditional techniques and modern technologies, the process includes printmaking, painting, sculpting, laser cutting, and digital design. To reflect blockchain’s unique characteristics of transparency and traceability, I utilized light and various translucent materials to create interactions between constructed forms and the space around. As light is filtered, reflected, and reimagined, it threads the installation elements together and presents complex layers in the work that resemble interconnected relationships in our ecosystem.

Register HERE to watch my interview in the latest IBM Blockparty episode 04: Creating Sustainable Ecosystems. 


With a playful approach, I continued this series to contemplate the ever-changing interactions of material and immaterial elements (e.g. light, emotion, consciousness, idea). Balancing control, chance, and intuition, I compose layers of translucent materials to form rhythmic compositions and highlight the poetic dance of light and shadow. The constructed layers respond to the light to create a sense of spatial wonder as the light is filtered, cast, reflected, and reimagined. They resemble layered human experience and our inseparable relationship with nature and all beings.